Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Scientific Writing

Nofia Rahmayani
11.321.138 (4D)
Based on Oxford Dictionary, vocabulary is list of word with their meanings, especially  in a book for learning foreign language. In English, vocabulary is very important because it is the key to understand English, but  many students still difficult to increase their vocabulary. Now adays, technology had improved like electronic media. It can be used for learning. Using electronic media can make students increase their vocabulary, for example teach by using electronic media like Cooking Academy game. This article tries to share about teaching use electronic media Cooking Academy game, teaching procedures and benefits teach by using Cooking Academy.
Electronic media is a equipment that need electricity to use it . The common equipment we use in daily like television, radio, computer, cell phone, etc. In every computer usually there are many games and one of them can be used to teach is Cooking Academy game. Cooking Academy is a cooking game that challenge participants to cook variant foods from some country. In this game participants will guide by a chef. Cooking Academy almost the same with cooking class when we get the material then we must practice it and we must pass the exam to continue higher level.
There are some teaching procedures to teach vocabulary by using Cooking Academy game. First, the teacher prepare the Cooking Academy game. Second, the teacher explain how to play Cooking Academy, when teacher playing the game students must pay attention about the instruction and materials ( look at the pictures ). Third, teacher prepare power point that show about the game had played by teacher , but the teacher must hide the instruction and materials . Fourth, the teacher ask students to write in white board what the verb and material. Fifth, the students must practice it in front of class. Last, the teacher give score if students can write the correct answer.
The game created to make the gamers feel enjoy and fun . So, some benefit of teaching vocabulary by using Cooking Academy are first, the students can fast understand the new vocabularies. Second, student will fun and enjoy in the subject .Third, Students not only know the meaning but also they can practice it.
In conclusion, applying a technique by using Cooking Academy in teaching vocabulary is one of effective technique to increase students’ ability in memorizing new vocabulary. This technique can make student fun and happy in learning, not only they can easy to understand new vocabulary but also they can practice it .