Nofia Rahmayani ( 11.321.138 )
is one of four basic skills in English.
In Educational Unit-Oriented Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan
(KTSP), the objectives of teaching reading are clearly stated. For Senior High
School students, they are expected to be able to read and comprehend:
description, narration, procedure, recount, news item, report, exposition,
spoof, review and explanation (BSNP, 2006:18).
order to get the purposes of reading, the method that used must match with the
purpose. The method by choosing the teacher is so definitive to success the
purpose of reading, so the student can develop their reading skill. But in fact
in Senior High School, there are many students still difficult to get high
score in English reading.
This paper tries to share ideas about the
strategies using Two Stay Two Stray in Teaching Reading for Senior High School.
Therefore it covers the defintion of reading, indicators of reading, TSTS,
procedure, and conclusion .
Definition of Reading
According to Bernhardt (2003:6), reading consists of
two processes: word recognition and comprehension. Word recognition is process
to perceive how written symbol correspond to one’s spoken language.
Comprehension is process of making sense of word, sentences and connected text.
Readers typically make use of background knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical
knowledge, experience with text and other strategies to help them understand
written text. Grabe and Stoller (2002:4) state that reading can be taught as a
way to draw information from the text and to form an interpretation of that
information. The process of drawing information and interpreting information
requires the work of the brain actively. According to Othman (2003:3) reading
process is interaction between text and
reader’s imagination. Therefore, readers need three aspects: making prediction,
thinking of the text that it is even of life and having similarity to the human
the explaination from some resources, the writter can conclude that reading is
comprehend the text to get information. Reading also can give us more knowledge
like an idiom that “The book is the window of world”.
Two Stay Two Stray
Two Stay Stray developed by Spencer
Kagan (1992) . Structure TSTS is one type of cooperative learning. In this
technique students will learn in group and it give opportunity the group to
share result and information to the others group. Based on individual activity
in teaching and learning the students do their task by themself and not allowed
to cheat to the other students.
of Two Stay Two Stray
The students work the task in the group and consist
four students.The group consist of students that have high, middle, and low
ability. If possible in the group is consist of different ras, gender, and
culture. The reward is more dedication for the group than individual.
The Purposes
In this learning the students’ activity listen to
their friends said when they visit the others group. The students must listen
carefully what the host explain about the material. So, in this learning the
students must visit dan listen carefully each other to do their task.
There are some step in TSTS learning (Lie, 2002:60-61).
The student must coorporation to do their task. After finish understand the
material two students will leave their group to visit the group each other.
Then two students stay in the group to share result and information from their
material to the guests. The guests comeback to their group each other to report
what they get from the other group. The group will match and discussion result
of their task.
There are
some proccedures using Two Stay Two Stray, those are :
Before teaching teachers must make
silabus, mark system, learning design, and pepare the task for students. Then
teacher make some group and in group consist four students. In each group must
heterogen based on the grade academic and ethnic.
The Teacher’s Presentation
The teacher will tell indicators of
learning, introducing, and explaining materials based on the lesson plans that
have been made.
The Groups’ Activity
Each group will give papers that
contain tasks and every student in group must learn that materials. After they
received the tasks that contain problems there are relation with the materials
and clarification, the students learn in the small group and discuss about the
tasks togethere.each group will solve the problems by their way. Then two
students of four students from each group will leave the group to visit the
others group. And two members stay in
group they duty is share the result and information to the guests. After the
guests get the information, they will came back to their group to report what
they get from the others group and discuss about their material to finish it.
After the group finish their tasks,
one of four groups will presentation for discussing with the others group. The
teacher only give add and direct them.
The Groups’ Evaluation and Reward
The purpose of evalution to know
stundents’ ability when they understand the materials by using Two Stay Two
Stray cooperative learning. Each students will give question from learn result
with TSTS, then continue by giving reward to the group who get the high score.
In this learning model with Two Stay Two Stray
consciously or unconsciously, students will do an activity language to improve
their comprehend skill. By implementing this cooperative learning model
students will do more comprehend consciously. It mean that always just listen
teacher, it can make students bored. While debriefing by one group to another
to match the material what they got. That way, student can evaluate themeselve,
how accurate their thought concept with the resource’s mindset. By implementing
this cooperative learning, students will more active and it can build their
spirit in the study.
Alhaz Harahap,
Fitrah. Improving
Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Two Stay-Two Stray Leaning model.
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